
Friday, 30 September 2011

Top gear does another crazy stunt, putting and Audi and a Jaguar on train tracks

see the video on Car Domain, it's in the 3rd segment (on the right hand border you'll see a keypad of numbers 1-7)

Top Gear Season 17 Episode 4

found the photos and info from Tamerlane's Thoughts

funny as hell Toyota commecial

6th annual Mid Coast Road Rally (in Iowa) gets underway Oct 1st, about 140 teams will be getting a start from the Albaugh collection and

Prizes and trophies are given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Also, a trophy is given for the team with the most Rally spirit—the Fun-Fun-Fun Award. And the Pink Panther trophy goes to the team with the best costume and theme.

It's too late to join now, but if you are around Des Moines, you can check on the site for their route, and put up prank direction signs, or some other funny stuff.

Next year join them, and get a tour of the Albaugh collection before the race.
Thanks to Bob C for inviting me to join, but I'm broke, and long way from Iowa

cool photos from Blacbird.tumblr

they've always been donor cycles... that's a terrible thing, but true
all from

Drive it like you stole it

photo by goncalo reis bispo
found on


Primer Cartel oficial

Dr. Seuss 'The Lorax" es uno de los próxima película de animación por ordenador en 3-D basada en el libro de  Dr. Seuss' para niños del mismo nombre. Que está siendo producido por la Ilumination Entertaintment y será lanzado por Universal Pictures el 2 de marzo de 2012, lo que habría sido el cumpleaños 108 de Seuss, quien murió a la edad de 87 en 1991.

Su trama:
La película sigue a Ted, un joven idealista, que trata de encontrar lo único que le gana el cariño de la chica de sus sueños. Para ello, debe descubrir la historia de la Lorax, la criatura de mal humor y encantadora que lucha para proteger a su mundo.

Aún no hay trailer, pero tan pronto Universal Studios nos los de, lo verán primero en Moviarts. 

One for the Money trailer e información

Vamos a ver el primer trailer oficial de la película One for the Money, la película de próxima de acción y comedia protagonizada por Katherine Heigl, Jason O Mara, Sunjata Daniel, John Leguizamo y Pastor Sherri:

"Desempleada y recién divorciada, Stephanie Plum consigue un trabajo como agente de recuperación en el rescate de bonos empresariales de su primo, donde su primera tarea la pone sobre la pista de un policía que quería de su pasado romántico." 
Esta saldrá en enero 27 de 2012

Justice trailer

Justice, una próxima película de Roger Donaldson protagonizada por Nicolas Cage, January Jones y Guy Pearce.

Aquí vemos su primer trailer:


Después de que su esposa es asaltada , un marido contrata los servicios de un grupo de vigilancia para ayudarle a ajustar las cuentas. "

Un poster de la peli:

Man on Ledge

Man on Ledge es la próxima película de  thriller para Enero 13, 2012 dirigido por Asger Leth, protagonizada por Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell y Ed Harris. El rodaje tuvo lugar en Nueva York.

Su trailer:
"Con un ex-policía convertido amenaza con saltar a su muerte desde una azotea de un hotel de Manhattan. La policía de Nueva York envía a un psicólogo policial femenino que solicitó personalmente para hablar con él por debajo de la cornisa. Sin embargo, sin el conocimiento de la policía de Nueva York , el intento de suicidio es una distracción para el robo de diamantes más grande jamás hecho. "

(source unknown)

Thursday, 29 September 2011

production cars racing... just fans showing up with their daily drivers to have fun

the largest and most complete Maserati collection in America has been found by Jim, and posted about on his blog, Tamerlane's Thoughts

Jim took the tour of the storage warehouse and museum, and took lots of photos!

Best looking trash and recycle cans I've seen

In 2009, the El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association (BIA) started a pilot recycling program with 10 bins. Following that, the Association saw this as an opportunity to bring more art to the Boulevard and worked with graphic design students at SDSU to develop the concept. The designs created by the students were to enhance the look of these standardized bins, and at the same time, help identify the recycling bins from the trash bins located next to them.

The bins are reclaimed standard city trash bins with a custom fabricated top on the recycling bins. In the coming months, the Association is expanding the number of recycling bins to 20.

The students developed several great options. The El Cajon Boulevard BIA Board was so impressed by the designs that they decided to select three of the student's designs rather than the single design that was initially planned.

Congratulations to Kristin Hardy, Sonya Calderon, Cat Hunt for providing your creative design work which greatly enhances the Boulevard's garbage and recycling bins.

 Found on

Helmet Girl by Koji Morimoto

The art of Joshua Witten

Dream a little green dream. Via: The City Mouse

The Colani Egli special. Via: Two Wheels Plus

Nokia c3 Game Sid Meier’s Civilization V : The Mobile Game

The simulator strategies phenomenal arrives on your laptop PC. Lead one of 20 historical civilizations of the Stone Age to the Space Age. Build cities and wonders to spread their culture, trade relations with neighbors or send his army to subdue them. Manage the development of new technologies to increase production, is a just ruler and an absolute dictator and unlock the most devastating weapons. Choose swept goals, how to dominate the world or be the first to colonize the stars

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Magazine review: Old Cars Weekly (Great content and variety, but nothing in color)

Wow, lots of cool content;

Vintage ad of the week

Wreck of the week

Impressive coverage of the big auctions

Concours De Elegance coverage
Feature car coverage

Bad news though? No color photos, just color ads, it's half classifieds, and the annual cost (but keep in mind this is for 5 times as many issues as monthly magazines) is double to triple what I pay for most of the dozen subscriptions ($32 for 52 issues vs $15 for 12 issues)... that aren't half classifieds, are all color, and have many more feature car stories.... black and white entertainment became archaic over half a century ago. Might as well daily commute on a horse as read a black and white magazine.

Good news? What they have is really damn good, and they have a hell of a lot of good stuff on the internet too. Several blogs from their subscribers? or staff... news, events, and readers cars plus lots more

car collector John Chapman lost more than 175 cars in the Texas wildfires... including a Shelby Cobra

Barnfind '49 Delahaye with body by Charon found in Washington state

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