
Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The RP-4, dual supercharged big blocks, dual props - contra rotating variable pitch props

built by Eric Hereth, master machinist, fabricator and welder, built all components of this remarkable aircraft from scratch, with the exceptions of engine long blocks, wheels, and hydraulic components. Jerry Baer assisted in all phases of construction. The RP-4 is the brainchild of David Rose

Found on but for any information, see

Real Steel

Esta es la nueva película de Hugh Jackman, esta saldrá en Octubre 2011

En el año 2020, los robots han sustituido a los seres humanos en el boxeo. Charlie Kenton (Hugh Jackman) pierde la oportunidad de convertirse en un campeón de boxeo cuando los robots asumen el control, y se convierte en un promotor. Cuando él tiene dificultad para ganarse la vida, de mala gana forma un equipo con su hijo Max (Dakota Goyo) para construir un robot que pueda competir por el en un campeonato.

"A tribute to “Devlin,” the most depressing cartoon in the world" Via: Geek Six


Deploy the chute! Via: Sporting Sails

To Mario with love: Creating the Turtle Shell Racer with Thingiverse

Buried Wheelchair Motorcycle At the Chester Museum of Transportation. Via: Helga's Lobster Stew

Anwar, a street vendor, transports beds for sale using his motorcycle at Glagahharjo village, near Yogyakarta July 4, 2011. Anwar said he can travel about 40 km through a few villages a day while selling the beds and can earn 200 thousand rupiah ($23.50) a week. Via:

Via: 1stdibs

"In 1920, Nurse Radburn of Swanscombe, U.K. was provided with a motor cycle by the people of her district. Later, in the Nursing journal: Queen’s Nurses’ Magazine, adverts for scooters, motocycles and motorcycle attachments began to appear".....Via:

The art of Rafael Nazario

The designs of Austin Rucker

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

More in the odd animals pulling carts that I've posted, there were zebra, a rhino, dogs, sheep, and ostrich... now here are Moose carts

Starting July 1st, solo drivers of hybrid cars in California will see their special pass to the car pool lane disappear.

85,000 were issued to hybrids. Prius and Honda Civic and others.
Since 2004, hybrid owners with a special permit were allowed entry into California’s High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes even when driving alone. 

The special yellow key-shaped decals that denoted access quickly became a must-have for traffic-weary hybrid owners, and added up to $1,500 to the resale value of the hybrid that sported one against its more mundane siblings.

read the whole story at

Why is it called a dashboard?

What we know as dashboards, not the one on your computer, in cars- are evolved from the early dashes in horse carriages and buggys. The dash board was the boards or material dropcloth that kept the horses back feet from splashing mud and muck onto the driver and carriage... the carriages became motorized and the dashboards were the best place for the first gauges, so the dashboards became the instrument panels
from the above splash guard behind the horse, to

fire engine loses a tire, that rolls away, and tackles a taxi

Munsters and pinups from Oldschoolking33

Awesome damn couch. Pistons and conrods for couch legs

What the? Ever seen long upswept headers like these? I haven't

weedburners I get, but the 3 cars with zoomies up to the drivers head height.... never seen them before

Tron 3, será una realidad? Al parecer sí

Aunque recibió malas críticas por críticos, la película fue elogiada por la audiencia, la secuela en 3D generó apróximadamente 400milliones de dolares y no es una sorpresa que en el DVD de la misma haya un teaser de lo que podria ser Tron 3.

Siempre pensando en términos de marca y franquicia, Disney ya tenia gente trabajando en una historia de TRON 3 meses antes que TRON The Legacy estuviera en cines. En abril, el director Joe Kosinski habló sobre algunas de las ideas de la historia que tenía para  TRON: secuela de Legacy y no mucho después, David DiGilio fue contratado para escribir el guión de TRON 3. En cuanto a la ilusoria "luz verdeel elenco volverá,también la  estrella Bruce Boxleitner.

Durante la D23 evento de Disney hace 3 semans un fan le preguntó a Bruce  sobre su interés en regresar a TRON 3, Bruce que con seguridad respondió:

      "Oh, es ya un hecho. Ya está en construcción, amigo mío. "

TRON 3 muy probablemente saldrá en el  2013, quedense atentos por que si sale más info, se las tendremos aquí!  
Según Screenrant

Vota en nuestra nueva encuesta en el costado derecho!

EARLY bikini car wash... more like one piece swimsuit car wash, but that really doesn't grab attention

Batgirls motorcycle and the catmobile

ridiculous props, but somehow that generation loved the Batman tv show.

Dirty ol men need love too... it's what the rear spoiler has written, but is that why she's hanging around the race car?

The story of "Justice" The Fire-breathing Dragon/Motorcycle. Via:

Cool defined. Via: The Vorhese blog

Guy 'Grundy' Spagnoli. Via: The surfing walk of fame

Good dog: Dog Carts and the Extinction of Memory. Via: Terrierman's Daily Dose

Shrouded. By Samm Bennett

L'enfant Dirigible. Via: L.A. Weekly

The art of Denis Polet

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