
Tuesday 3 May 2011

Nokia c3 game Chocolate Shop Frenzy

You would have thought that the advent of the credit crunch would have cut our spending on confectionery right down, wouldn't you? Surely, working in a chocolate boutique or candy store right now would be pretty easy work - employees piling on the pounds as they snack on all the treats left on the un-bought treats.

Whether that's the case or not I've no idea, but its clear the boys and girls at Sumea believe there's life in the house that cocoa built yet, with Chocolate Shop Frenzy delivering exactly what its title suggests: a chocolate store awash with customers, each demanding their own box of milky heaven. Your average American coffee house has nothing on this - Frenzy will teach you just how to cope with the whim of every customer that storms through your door.

As with games such as Diner Dash and Cake Mania, Chocolate Shop Frenzy is all about quickly serving customers, sorting and delivering a rash of different orders as impatient folk stand and stare. As customers appear at your counter, it's up to you to take their orders, pick up their chocolates, wrap them (if they so please) and deliver them back to the counter before they get fed up and leave. It's a standard concept, but Frenzy is the kind of game that constantly puts hurdles in your path just to complicate issues a little.
For instance, beyond the opening rounds it's very rare that you'll ever deal with just one customer at a time. Instead, people tend to come in packs of four, with orders also turning up via phone just to add to your workload. While you might think that a 'first come, first serve' mantra would serve you well, any sense of routine is tossed out the window as soon as different kinds of customers begin to turn up at your store; old grannies are perfectly happy to wait a little longer than your average customer, as opposed to businessmen, who quickly get impatient while yabbering away on their mobile phones.


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