Nokia c3 App Bolt Lite
BOLT lite is a free downloadable web browser that offers an uncompromising browsing experience on even lower-end mobile phones.
BOLT lite has been optimized to install and run on entry-level mobile devices with limited memory and system resources. This lightweight version retains most of BOLT's feature set. Although some of BOLT's functionality is not included in the lite version, BOLT's blazing fast download speed and PC-style layout are retained - offering fast, full-featured desktop style browsing to an even wider range of devices.

Fastest BrowsingLoads complete Web pages in seconds
Faster NavigationPatented navigation and display technologies get you where you're going faster.

New! Manage Favorites
Backup and retrieve your favorites directly from BOLT.Download BOLT lite 2.50, the fastest,most full-featured mobile browser for phones of all types. Enjoy full PC-style web pages, stream videos
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