
Monday 11 June 2012

P.S. I love you:  In the spring of 1951 Peggy Iris Thomas left off from Liverpool with 60 dollars in her pocket , a new BSA Bantam motorcycle named "Oppy" loaded to straining point with clothes, food, and complete camping equipment., and her Airedale Terrier Matelot both companion and guardian.
In their adventure Peggy and Matelot were to pitch their tent in such places as a vacant lot in downtown Los Angeles, a Mexican village bar room, a mosquito-infected Louisiana swamp, and on the heights of New Jersey’s Palisades.
In A Ride In The Sun - Gasoline Gypsy, Peggy tells the lighthearted story of her adventures whilst motorcycling through the forests of Nova Scotia and over the Canadian Rockies, stopping long enough along the way to recoup her finances by holding down two office jobs at once in an eighteen-hour working day in New Brunswick, and working as an apple picker and factory labourer in British Columbia. Then off down the beautiful Pacific coast, south east to Mexico and up the eastern seaboard to New York City. Undaunted by sandstorms, earthquakes, tropical gales and incredible desert heat, thrilled by the invigorating life out doors and cheered along by her many new-found friends, she has woven her unique journey into an engaging account of life on the open road.
                    Via: Gasoline Gypsy 


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