
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

100 Years

This might be my favorite building. The Michigan Central Station in Detroit , built in 1912-13 to serve as the city's main passenger depot. At time of construction it was apparently the world's tallest railway station- a strange distinction.


It's been abandoned since Amtrak left in January 1988. Various renovation plans have been proposed over the years but it still stands empty... deteriorating.

Thank you for not smoking

I picked this up in the early 70's in Toronto.  I think it may have been an ad for an art exhibit.  I kept it all these years because I've always thought it was a great send-up about technology applied to human well-being.

Nice threads

A nice little calculator from Lufkin.  Although there were clearly far more fastener sizes in 1935 (increasing by 1/64ths in diameter, rather than today's 1/16th), the gauge is still very handy.  Edward Lufkin was an American civil war vet who formed the E.T. Lufkin Board & Log Rule Manufacturing Co. in 1869.  He had sold out all of his interests in the company by the mid-1880's.  The brand is now owned by the giant conglomerate, Cooper Tools.

The coolest hot rod trophy I've ever seen. Wow. My compliments to the creator, and the Helldivers CC for giving it to a hot rodder of their choice.

 I see a cocktail shaker, fuel filter, half a fule pump, wingnut steering, hinge seat, headlight glass for the dome, 3 thermostats, a couple taps and sockets, tail light, and chrome trim

Is this not the coolest car parts art / hot rod trophy you've seen? I've seen similar art sell for thousands. 

Suede palace handmade trophys fot car club picks, always one thing I make sure to photograph to share the amazing ingenuity. +

The coolest things I found at the 2012 Grand National Roadster Show, #1 - Erik Salin's "California Color" Kustom Kulture and electric guitar fusion

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